A few weeks ago I wrote about being on a stressipice, where I was just about on the right side of having too much work to do; one more thing, and I would topple over the edge. I’ve spent the last few months working hard on my new book, amongst all the other stuff life demands of you (kids, emails, dishwasher) but last week, after coming back from holiday and reassessing my workload, I had the most wonderful realisation. I had passed the tipping point! What had formerly been such a massive project that it was too intimidating to even think about was now a glowing light on the horizon! I can officially see the end. And with that excitement comes extra motivation to keep ticking things off. Another illustration here, another section there. All of a sudden my spreadsheet of contents is looking clearer and greener (I make things green when I’ve completed them) and I feel like I’m running down the Mall on marathon day.
© 2024 Tiffany Francis-Baker
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