Nine Books I'm Looking Forward to in 2023
I’m always excited by new releases in the literary world, but this year is going to be even more interesting as I’ll be feeding the new babe at all hours of the day and night, and I try really hard not to resort to my phone or iPad for entertainment (if I can resist). When I was feeding Olive in the middle of the night and desperately trying not to fall asleep, I used to read my books aloud. Not only did it keep me awake, I also thought it was never too early to get a four-week-old infant started on contemporary fiction, you know? I chose this selection of new titles after scouring a few of the lists you find on mainstream news sites at this time of year. These were the ones I felt genuinely drawn to because of my own interests and fascinations, but I would love to hear if you have any other recommendations you’d like to share! As always, most of the following links are affiliates from Amazon but feel free to browse them anywhere else!