A Birthday Note
I celebrated my 31st birthday this week! I’m not a big birthday person; I don’t like too much attention at once so a surprise party would be horrifying to me, but I do like using my birthday as an excuse to do something nice. Usually that would involve a trip to Wagamama, but this year we have been spending my birthday week in limbo waiting for the baby to arrive, and instead we ordered takeaway curry which was delicious. I also had a second ‘false labour’ type thing this week, but it turned out to just be practice contractions. Oh, and poor little Olive has chickenpox. So as it is, I’m currently overdue, looking after an unhappy toddler and feeling quite uncomfortable, but very grateful to have reached my 31st birthday in good health and good cheer. As my mum says, it’s a privilege to get old, and although I’m certainly not ‘old’, they are wise words to remember every day of the year.